Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Arrow Hospital: Serving The Health Needs Of The Most Vulnerable

The Kayole-Soweto community on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya has an estimated population of over 798,000. The majority of these persons live below the poverty level, and earn less than a dollar a day due to the economic climate.

The Kayole-Soweto slum region has been vulnerable to disease as a result of being used as an area to discard garbage, hence the spread of disease in the community. Malaria, Typhoid, Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS- all pose major threats to the livelihood of the community as a whole.

Despite these conditions, Arrow Hospital recruits volunteer doctors to help serve urgent health needs that plague the region. From HIV/AIDS to Malaria and other life-threatening infectious diseases, Arrow Hospital doctors work tirelessly to treat 110-150 patients a week. Arrow Hospital's mission is to improve pre-natal health care, reduce infant mortality, and to give the public access to quality healthcare and education.

O'Neal Media Group has added Arrow Hospital to our roster of pro-bono projects in the developing nations. We are offering help in developing/revising a strategic plan through 2012, and other PR tasks.

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