Thursday, June 18, 2009

Importance of Healthy and Ecologically Sustainable Food Systems

O'Neal Media Group is proud to announce our collaboration with new client, EarthTHRIVE Initiative, and today's national distribution media advisory:

Health: Importance of Healthy and Ecologically Sustainable Food Systems

Marv Lyons, founder of EarthTHRIVE Initiative, a San Diego-based non-profit with global concern for worldwide health and well-being, commends the American Medical Association's Sustainable Food policy for taking a leading position in educating the health care community and the public about the importance of healthy and ecologically sustainable food systems: "It's vitally important to help the public understand and take a strong position in speaking out for real, live, nourishing foods. While it is true that food is the best medicine, it only works when the food itself is live and healthy. Unfortunately, food in America has become a giant industry, more focused on profits than quality for a healthy population. Packaging labels notwithstanding, the bulk of easily accessible and heavily marketed products that predominate on the shelves of most markets have minimal nutritional value and contribute to the general obesity.

The measures the AMA proposes to educate the health care community and the public about the importance of healthy and ecologically sustainable food systems are important to help the public understand the relationship between healthy slow food grown nearby by growers committed to quality and personal health and well-being."

News Contact: Jackie O'Neal, Phone: +1-609-334-8621 Web site:

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