Monday, May 2, 2011

Born in The Land of the Tango: A Memoir about identity, family, and healing

PublishAmerica is proud to announce the recent release of Jackie Audrey O'Neal's new book: Born in the Land of the Tango: A Memoir about Identity, Family, and Healing!

Here's what the author says about the book: Jackie Audrey O'Neal explores her cultural roots from the 16th century Basque country witch trials to her Afro-Indian roots. The book delves into identity politics and the author teaches individuals how she integrated her multi-cultural past to make the most out of life. The collection of life stories is drawn from the author's experiences and research.

We are offering you an opportunity to secure your personal copy of Jackie Audrey O'Neal’s exceptional book today. Please click here: to secure your copy of the book*, then click Add to Cart. For an introductory discount of 20%, use this coupon code: Discount20.